🌷Valentine's Day Activities for Upper Grades

Fun Matter Activities for 2nd Grade

Are you looking for fun, engaging ways to teach your second grade students about the states of matter? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll go over some fun matter activities to teach solids, liquids, and gases to your students. From learning to classify the different types of matter to understanding heating and cooling changes, these activities will help your students develop a better understanding of how matter works in our world.

Keep reading to discover our favorite hands-on 2nd grade matter activities.

Classifying the States of Matter

This unit includes many activities for teaching types of matter. Pictured are puzzles, mini book, and vocabulary cards.

Your class is about to embark on a journey into the world of states of matter. Through classifying solids, liquids, and gases, students can explore what makes each one unique! To really maximize the learning experience, you can engage your students with fun interactive puzzles, notebook pages, mini books and hands-on science activities.

Learning the Properties of Materials

The properties of materials that students will be exploring in the next part of the unit are strength, flexibility, texture, hardness, and absorbency. Students will learn through mini-books, practice pages, and hands-on science activities.

Building Objects From Sets of Pieces

In the third part of the unit, students will learn about the design process. The poster and mini book teach this process in a kid-friendly way. Explore building objects from sets of pieces by giving students sets of objects and challenging them to make different creations with the same sets of pieces. Suggestions include using legos, Lincoln Logs, wooden blocks, snap cubes, or toothpicks and marshmallows. If you don’t have these objects easily on hand, you can also see if your school has any sets of tangrams.

Understanding Heating and Cooling Changes

In the final part of the matter unit, students will explore changes to matter made by heating and cooling. This concept can be taught with the posters and mini book included. Students will also learn about reversible and non-reversible changes.

Take a Look Inside

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