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Opinion Piece Writing Units (Grades 2-5)

Our Students Sure Are Opinionated–So Let’s Get Them Writing About It!

When it comes to writing, there is so much we want (and need) to teach our students. However, we cannot focus on all of it all at once or we will cause our students to hate writing. With opinion writing, we want to make sure our students can support their stance with reasons and evidence.

I have broken the standards down into easy to implement lesson plans and have included all of the materials you need to get your students writing an opinion piece.

Each Opinion Piece Writing Unit (Grades 2-5) has 12 lessons.

**There are two units for each grade level. The second unit is called “Advanced” but this does not mean the unit is only for your high flyer students. It simply means it is the second unit to use to cover the remaining opinion writing standards.**

The 12 lessons from each unit can be implemented at an easy pace—spread out over four weeks, or can be condensed to be taught in a shorter time period. It’s totally up to you!

Since there are twelve opinion piece lessons, you have time to build in any of your own mini lessons you feel your class needs! (For instance, if you see your students are struggling with a particular skill, such as capitalizing proper nouns, you can spend a day practicing that skill without falling behind with the unit.)

These lessons are included in the first unit:

Each grade’s unit covers the grade level standards of: W.2.1, W.3.1.A,B, W.4.1.A,B, or W.5.1.A,B

  1. What’s an Opinion
  2. OREO Writing
  3. Introducing the Opinion Essay
  4. Write an Opinion Statement
  5. Opinion Essay Outline
  6. Write an Introduction
  7. Reasons that Support
  8. Writing as Paragraphs
  9. Writing an Ending
  10. Editing with a Partner
  11. Revising & Revisiting the Rubric
  12. Publishing

These lessons are included in the “Advanced” (second) opinion unit:

Each grade’s unit covers the grade level standards of: W.2.1, W.3.1.C,D, W.4.1.C,D, or W.5.1.C,D

  1. Generating Strong Topics
  2. Writing an Opinion Statement
  3. Opinion Essay Outline
  4. Writing an Introduction
  5. Types of Linking Words
  6. Incorporating Linking Words
  7. Writing as Paragraphs
  8. Writing a Conclusion
  9. Emotions and Feelings
  10. Editing with a Partner
  11. Revising & Revisiting the Rubric
  12. Publishing

    The units include a student friendly rubric as well as a checklist they can use as they write. They help keep students focused on the skills taught during the unit, without overwhelming them.

    Posters are provided to help teach certain skills. You can print them and put them in students’ writing notebooks. This allows them to reference them at any time.

    I teach multiple grade levels. Are the units different?
    —The first unit and the advanced units for each grade level ARE different and focus on different skills.
    —If you teach more than one grade, note that the grade level units are mostly similar, but include different mentor texts, and have different examples in the centers. There are a few other minor differences throughout the units that reflect grade level expectations.

    The 4th and 5th Grade Units include a Facts & Details sheet to help students include these facts and details in their writing.

    Click the images below to see more & preview the opinion piece units for your grade level!

    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/2nd-Grade-Opinion-Piece-Writing-Unit-W21-4578410?utm_source=TITG%20Blog%20Opinion%20Writing&utm_campaign=Grade%202%20Unit    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/2nd-Grade-Advanced-Opinion-Piece-Writing-Unit-W21-4588049?utm_source=TITG%20Opinion%20Writing%20Page&utm_campaign=2ndGradeAdvancedOpinionUnit

    https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/4th-Grade-Opinion-Piece-Writing-Unit-W41A-W41B-4578420?utm_source=TITG%20Blog%20Opinion%20Writing&utm_campaign=Grade%204%20Unit     https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/4th-Grade-Advanced-Opinion-Piece-Writing-Unit-W41C-W41D-4588068?utm_source=TITG%20Opinion%20Writing%20Page&utm_campaign=4thGradeAdvancedOpinionUnit

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