Guided math groups can be successful in any classroom if you have strong classroom management and organization. If you’re wondering how to launch guided math, I’m here to help!
I spend the first two weeks of school “training” my students on how to do guided math. (You can do this anytime you are ready to start your groups–not just at the beginning of the school year.) Be sure to grab your free downloadable copy of this launch plan at the end of this post!
Before launching guided math, ask yourself:
- Do I have clear expectations in my classroom?
- Do I have set rotations or flexible rotations? (I recommend flexible rotations…You can learn more about how I do that in this blog post.)
- What do I want my students working on during math groups?
- How much technology is available to me?
- How many students can I work with at a time?
I created this ten day launch plan to help other teachers who are ready to start Guided Math Groups. It gives a brief synopsis of what to teach your students each day.
It is written to be used during the first two weeks of school, but it can be used whenever you are ready to launch guided math. So, if you are jumping on the guided math train a little later in the year, just modify this.
It is truly important to spend the whole two weeks preparing your students for guided math. Invest the time now, so you will not be interrupted by problems later.
It is also important to revisit these expectations later in the year. A great time to do it is upon returning from winter break.
Sign up below for your copy!
For resources to use during your math block check out, 1st Grade Guided Math, 2nd Grade Guided Math, 3rd Grade Guided Math, 4th Grade Guided Math, and 5th Grade Guided Math!