🌷Valentine's Day Activities for Upper Grades

Guided Math Teacher Binder

Are you looking to keep your Guided Math information organized in a neat binder? This Guided Math Teacher Binder includes calendars, checklists, group charts, and forms for anecdotal notes for Guided Math. Keep everything together in one place!

Scroll down to see what’s included.

Guided Math Teacher Binder Calendar Page

Use the weekly and monthly calendar pages to plan out your lessons and stay on pace all year!

There are group charts so you can keep track of which students are in each group. I like to use sticky notes so I can easily change out the groups. You can learn more about how I teach Guided Math in my classroom in this blog post.

Use the checklist pages to keep track of which students are proficient with each standard. You can place a simple checkmark if they are proficient, or you can use numbers 1-4 to record their level of proficiency.
1-No proficiency with standard
2-Inconsistenly achieves proficiency with standard
3-Proficient with standard
4-Above grade level

Intervention/Progress Monitoring Sheets can help you record the interventions you perform and keep track of your data.

Learn how to take anecdotal notes for Guided Math!

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