Read alouds are a great way to incorporate literature into math time. The following math read aloud books are suggested picture books that complement each topic taught in my 2nd Grade Guided Math units. However, these are not a part of the lessons and are only suggested as enhancements to your classroom library.
In my classroom, I have math books out and students can read them during independent reading time or during our Guided Reading rotations.
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Place Value Picture Books:
What’s the Place Value? By Shirley Duke
Skip Counting with Meerkats by Tracey Steffora
Comparing with Cats by Tracey Steffora
Even & Odd Stories:
Ruby Make it Even by Lisa Harkrader
Even Steven and Odd Todd by Kathryn Cristaldi
Math Books for Mental Math 10’s and 100’s:
Ten for Me by Barbara Mariconda
Equal Shmequal by Virginia Kroll
Stories for Mental Math Within 20:
Using Subtraction at the Park by Tracey Steffora
Using Addition at Home by Tracey Steffora
Addition and Subtraction Picture Books:
The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang
The Mission of Addition by Brian P. Cleary
The Action of Subtraction by Brian P. Cleary
Geometry Story Books:
Shapes in the Kitchen by Tracey Steffora
A Fraction’s Goal-Parts of a Whole by Brian P. Cleary
Working with Fractions by David A. Adler
Shape Up! Fun With Triangles and Other Polygons by David A. Adler
The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns
If You Were a Polygon by Marcie Aboff
If You Were a Quadrilateral by Molly Blaisdell
Arrays and Partitioning Rectangles Read Alouds:
2 X 2=Boo! A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories by Loreen Leedy
The Best of Times by Greg Tang
Each Orange Had 8 Slices by Paul Giganti, Jr.
Stories About Time:
A Second, a Minute, a Week With Days in It by Brian P. Cleary
What is Time? By Tracey Steffora
Hours, Minutes, and Seconds by Tracey Steffora
Money Math Book:
A Dollar, A Penny, How Much and How Many? By Brian P. Cleary
Measuring Length Read Alouds:
How Long or How Wide?: A Measuring Guide by Brian P. Cleary
Measuring with Monkeys by Tracey Steffora
Math Books for Line Plots and Graphs:
The Great Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy
Sir Cumference and the Off-the-Charts Dessert by Cindy Neuschwander
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