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How to Teach Rounding to 3rd Graders -The Most Important First Steps

Teaching 3rd grade rounding numbers can be tricky. Before you teach this skill, it is important to make sure your students have a solid understanding of place value.

In third grade, students are required to round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.

In this blog post, I’ll go over how I introduce rounding numbers to third graders and the simple steps I take to make sure students understand what rounding means.

How I Introduce Rounding to 3rd Graders

When I first teach this standard, I begin with two-digit numbers and rounding them to the nearest ten.

I use a blank number line that shows ten numbers (i.e., numbers 30 through 40). We plot the given number (i.e. 34) on the number line.

We spend a lot of time discussing the tens the number falls between. Depending on your students’ foundation from previous grades, you may need to spend time reviewing a hundred chart.

Once we have determined the tens the number falls between, we discuss the number’s position on the number line. From there we can round (or determine which ten it is closer to).

You can use this freebie to practice this introductory skill with your students. Enter your email to grab a copy.

What You MUST Begin With When Teaching Rounding in 3rd Grade

It is imperative to begin with two-digit numbers before moving on to the third grade standard of rounding three-digit numbers.

In my two week 3rd grade rounding unit, I gradually increase my students’ understanding of rounding by using daily objectives that increase in difficulty each day. (These objectives build upon each other.) Students complete daily practice pages along with extension activities that deepen their understanding.

If you’re interested in more resources for 3rd grade rounding, check out these!

Plus, check out these fun activities for 3rd Grade Rounding to the Nearest Ten and Hundred!

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