🌷Valentine's Day Activities for Upper Grades

Shark Week Ocean Animals Paired Passages Paired Texts Compare Contrast Passages


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Do your students need practice comparing and contrasting two informational texts? These nonfiction paired passages (paired texts) and reading comprehension activities can be used to help your students practice the skill of comparing and contrasting. Your students will love the unique ocean creatures topic! Use this for shark week or ocean week!



✏️What’s Included:✏️

  • 5 Days of Text (9 passages total)
  • 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheets (Includes multiple choice and written response)
  • 5 Activities (Graphic organizer, interactive notebook flaps, fact sort)



Suggested Use of This Compare/Contrast Nonfiction Texts Resource:

  • Day 1: Goby Fish and Pistol Shrimp (1 passage) This single passage is meant to warm students up to the concept of comparing/contrasting. Read the passage with students and work to underline the colored sentences that compare/contrast the two creatures. Have students complete the reading comprehension worksheet with you, or independently.
  • Day 2: Hammerhead Sharks and Angel Sharks (2 texts) Read the two passages and work with students to compare and contrast the two sharks using the graphic organizer. Complete reading comprehension sheet independently.
  • Day 3: Anglerfish and Firefly Squid (2 texts) Read the two passages and make the foldable. Add important points from each passage and important points found in both texts. Complete reading comprehension page independently.
  • Day 4: Portuguese Man o’War and Stingrays (2 passages) Read the two passages and make the foldable. Add important points from each passage and important points found in both texts. Complete reading comprehension page independently.
  • Day 5: Dangers From the Deep: Deadly Sea Creatures and The Most Dangerous Fish in the World: The Stonefish (2 passages) You may choose to use these two passages and corresponding activities as an assessment. Read the two passages and cut out and sort the facts. Have students complete the reading comprehension worksheet independently.



The paired texts vary in length and complexity throughout the week so students do not become burned out.




How You Can Use These Passages:

  • ✏️Whole Group Lesson: Read the paired texts and complete the activity as a whole group. Have students complete the reading comprehension sheet independently.
  • ✏️Small Group Lesson: Read the paired passages during small group time with the teacher. Have students complete the activity and reading comprehension sheet as a center or at your teacher table.
  • You can also use these paired texts as morning work, homework, or independent practice.






⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I LOVE this resource!!!! It worked perfectly with my shark themed week and I was able to incorporate other odd creatures. The kids were really engaged!



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Excellent resource, simple and well designed! Thank you!






©Thrifty in Third Grade


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