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Elapsed Time Game Elapsed Time Around the World Whole Group Math Game


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Are you looking for a fun game to practice elapsed time with your students? Travel around the world to some of the most amazing natural wonders of the world with this elapsed time class game!


Here’s how you play!


  1. Print off the checkpoint cards and place them in seven different locations around your classroom.
  2. Assign students to teams. There are 7 possible teams in order to keep students from being at the checkpoints at the same time. You do not need to use all 7 teams if you don’t have that many groups.
  3. Give students their answer recording sheet. (Different sheets for each team!)
  4. Students will begin by heading to the first checkpoint on their list. They will solve and show you their answer. If they get it correct, give them the location card for that checkpoint. Then they will move on to the second checkpoint. If it is incorrect, send them back to try again.
  5. The first team to earn all seven location cards wins.TEACHER TIP: If you want to make sure your students are reading about each location before solving the elapsed time problem, require them to tell you one fact about the location before they tell you their answer.



What’s Included:

  • 7 Checkpoint Cards with Facts and an Elapsed Time Problem
  • 7 Team Recording Sheets
  • 1 Teacher Answer Key
  • Location Cards to Earn


©Thrifty in Third Grade


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